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The IBCLC who didn't love breastfeeding

Warm fuzzies. Imaginary floaty hearts coming out of your eyes. Happy sighs. Contentment.

These are things I don't experience when I am a nursing mother. I was a nursing mother for just weeks under a decade. O.O Why would I breastfeed four children over the span of a decade with only two short breaks (I was pregnant during those two breaks, FWIW)? Am I a total martyr? Do I love being miserable? Am I fan of frustration? Nope. I chose it because I know it's best. It's the best available food for my babies and toddlers and I'm willing to do a little self sacrifice for those little humans I so adore. Does that make me Super Mom? Nope. Does that make me Super Dumb? Nope. It just means that for a short time in their (hopefully) very long lives they had a couple of years of mama milk to set up their bodies for wholeness, health and longevity and I managed enough self care to make it through the rougher patches.

I like to tell moms their feelings about being ambiguous about breastfeeding are NORMAL. It's okay not to love it with every fiber of your being. It's ok to even be a little restless or have feelings that aren't positive about your nursing experiences. I had good days and bad ones. Just like any mama. I had frustration and days when things just *were*. I watched my babies grow and thrive on the food I provided to them from my body. It is quite a marvel and a wonder when you think about it. Sometimes those thoughts carried me through the tougher moments.

It's okay. You're okay. You're normal. You'll survive. One day at a time. One feeding at a time. And when you've had enough and want to stop your nursing journey, that's okay too. Every nursing session is a gift of health and love whether it's for days, weeks, months or years! One of my most favorite phrases is "Every Ounce Counts". It totally does. Hang in there mamas. You're doing a great job. Best,


If you feel you need the clinical help of an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, please feel free to call or email me for a consultation. I'm here to help!

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