Postpartum Doula & Clinical Lactation Services

Preparing for Your Birth Class
I became a Certified Childbirth Educator with Baby Steps Childbirth Education in 2016. I love teaching this One-Day (approx 6 hour) class! We cover all the basics of normal physiological birth, risk and benefits of interventions, pain management options, we answer the question, "WHEN DO WE GO TO THE HOSPITAL/CALL THE MIDWIFE?!"... and so much more!
This class is designed for first time AND experienced parents.
The cost of the class is $250.
This 6-hour one day childbirth class will give you evidence-based information about giving birth. You will learn about the stages of labor, what’s happening with your body and baby during labor and birth, and you will go through a practice labor rehearsal, so you are aware of different scenarios in birth. You will learn how to evaluate information about procedures/interventions you may be offered and will be shown comfort techniques as alternatives to pain medication (as well as being given information on standard pain medications offered in the hospital). Regardless of where you plan to birth (home, hospital, or birth center) you will be prepared to make informed decisions for you and your family!
Register by texting: 850-774-8173
Breastfeeding Your Baby Class
While it may seem like it should come naturally, breastfeeding is not always without challenges. Be prepared to face those challenges head-on. You’ll learn about the benefits of breastfeeding (some of them may surprise you!), how to overcome doubts and uncertainty, what the early days of breastfeeding will be like, nursing positions and props, and how to work through various breastfeeding problems. You’ll also learn about pumping and supplementing, introducing solids, and weaning.
The cost for this class is $125.
Register by texting: 850-774-8173
If you have BCBS, United, or Cigna insurance, you may be covered for a prenatal lactation visit and I can incorporate a lot of this class into the prenatal appointment.
Check coverage here